UGun at the wake of (late) actor OhGeonWoo
Photos : Credit as labelled
故 오건우 빈소 조문했던 동료배우들, "천국에서 편히 잠들길..." Paran.20110115
Celebrities KimHaKyun 김하균, YiChaeYeong 이채영, YoonJuHee윤주희, YiEunJeong 이은정, SongJongHO송종호, JeongGyeoUn 정겨운 also attends the prayer for the repose, on the evening of January 14th.
- Translated News report by NATE NEWS.20110113 -
Actor Oh Geon-woo (real name Oh Se-kyu 31) died of an accident on the 13th and is causing great shock.
Oh Geon-woo's company said, "He was driving back from Daegu when his car skidded across the icy road and collided with a dump truck. Accident procedures were then being delayed so his body could only be transferred to Seoul later in the evening.
His funeral has been set at Seoul Asan Hospital and will be borne out on the morning of the 15th.
His burial spot hasn't been decided yet.
Meanwhile, making his debut in 2003, he has acted in dramas and movies such as, " *The Iron Empress(천추태후) 2008" , "Sin Don", "My Tutor Friend Lesson II (동갑내기 과외하기)2003 " and more.
*Oh Geon-woo played Geo-ran Seong-jong in "The Iron Empress" (2008).
유건 ‘故 오건우 빈소 찾아’ 20110114.Newsen