
Sunday, May 31, 2009

[Info] 2009 Child Fund Campaign


ChildFund Korea started its works in supporting children since 1948 with assistance of Christian Children's Fund USA (CCF USA) and became an independent Korean NGO in 1986. Since then, ChildFund Korea has been supporting people in need for the past 60 years as a prominent social welfare organization.
ChildFund Korea now is a member of ChildFund Alliance, a network of globally prestigious child welfare organizations. Changing its name from Korea Welfare Foundation to ChildFund Korea in January 2008, the organization now thrives to strengthen itself as child welfare-focused organization by expanding its support and activities to establish welfare of children suffering from poverty and diseases not only in Korea but in the world.

ChildFund Korea, Inc. (KWF) is a non-governmental organization registered with the government as a juridical person of social welfare organization. The mission of ChildFund Korea is to assist less privileged people such as needy children and youth, the handicapped and the elderly to become sound citizens of this society.
ChildFund Korea has its roots in Christian Children's Fund (CCF) that started its support from 1948 in Korea. As a field office of CCF, CCF continued to work for 38 years until 1986. CCF Korea field office become independent of support and became started to work as a Korean organization named Korea Children’s Foundation (KCF). In July 1994, KCF changed its name to Korea Welfare Foundation. With earnest work and devotion, ChildFund Korea grew over time to become the largest social welfare agency in Korea. In 2001, ChildFund Korea was chosen as the Best Social Welfare Organization of Korea by the monthly magazine, Equitable.

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실종아동의 날 기념 캠페인 [ May27th2009 ]

(서울=연합뉴스) 김세영 기자 = 아동복지기관 어린이재단은 31일 서울 청계광장에서 실종아동의 날을 기념한 '제3회 그린리본 희망 걷기캠페인' 행사를 개최한다고 27일 밝혔다.

이날 행사에는 방송인 김생민 씨의 진행으로 가수 비, 박현빈, SG워너비, 다비치, 쥬얼리S, 박재정, 유건 등의 다수 연예인들이 참석한 가운데 기부금 전달식, 희망 풍선 날리기, 청계천 걷기, 실종아동의 무사귀환을 염원하는 그린리본 달기, 콘서트 등이 펼쳐진다.

캠페인 참여는 누구나 가능하고 선착순 1천500명에게 기념 티셔츠가 제공된다
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